Caregiver Pathways

Home Support Worker Pilot

As of 18 June 2019, Canada has introduced two new home caregiver pilots to help home support providers immigrate to Canada. They serve as replacements for the LCP (Live-in Caregiver Program), which was closed to new applicants at the same time. But fear not, under the new home care provider pilots you will be able to apply for permanent residence if you have a valid job offer or already have work experience in Canada as a caregiver as well as meet the eligibility requirements.   

Home Child Care Providers

Home child care providers help parents look after children and may be required to help out with household duties. Care can be provided either in their own homes or in their employer’s homes which is different from the Live-in Caregiver Program which requires caregivers to live in their employer’s home.

This program is open to applicants with the following job titles: 

  • Babysitter;
  • Au pair;
  • Child care live-in-caregiver;
  • Child care provider - private home;
  • Nanny;
  • Parent's helper;
  • Foster parent;
  • Babysitter - fitness center; and
  • Babysitter - shopping center.

Home Support Worker Providers

Home support workers help seniors, people with disabilities, and individuals in rehabilitation by providing personal care and companionship during times of recovery, incapacitation, and family disruption. Duties include but are not limited to preparing meals, feeding, bathing, changing dressings, administering medications, and other routine housekeeping duties. Care is in their employer’s or client’s homes, in which the home support worker may be required to live. Home support workers may also care for children however it must not be their primary responsibility.  

This program is open to applicants with the following job titles: 

  • Attendant for persons with disabilities - home care;
  • Family caregiver;
  • Home support worker;
  • Housekeeper;
  • Live-in caregiver - seniors;
  • Personal aide - home support;
  • Personal care attendant - home care;
  • Respite worker - home support;
  • Doula; and
  • Home visitor - infant care.

The most beneficial factor between these programs and the LCP is that it enables you to change employers, if so desired, as well as allows your family members to join you in Canada. 


We understand that information can be found on the Internet, but it never tells the “whole story” related to your personalized situation. There are also lots of consultants, lawyers, and scammers out there that seem to make this more confusing than this actually is. Our value to you is that we simplify and direct this process for you from the start to the end of your immigration journey. We will guide you and provide:

Personalized immigration advice and solutions that are tailored to your case and situation

Comprehensive documents and information at every stage of the process, including information and tips that can’t be found on the IRCC website

Affordable service with varying payment terms for the EE profile

Collaboration with a licensed immigration consultant who will communicate and represent your case on your behalf

Support and Assistance through every stage of the immigration journey, from the application to the landing and settlement in Canada.

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