Specialized and general consultation of Amirnejad immigration services in all fields including: tourist, academic, work, permanent migration through express entry or provincial programs, examination of reasons for rejection, etc. for 30 minutes. - It should be noted that the fee related to the reservation of consultation time will be deducted from the amount of your contract at the time of signing the contract.

One million two hundred thousand Tomans for 1) residents outside of Canada for 30 minutes to the following card number
IR 090570024180010290418001 Shaba number 2418000102904181 account number 5022.2910.5053.0425 card number Naseeba Barfar's bank information Pasargad bank
2) Residents inside Canada, the amount of 50 dollars to the email address below mahdis@amirnejadimm.com
Pay then upload the receipt