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The latest changes in the startup immigration visa


The latest changes to the startup immigration visa On June 27, Canada's Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Sean Fraser, announced six new changes to Canada's immigration. One of these changes was the new reforms in the Canadian Start-up program in order to develop this program and accept more applicants and facilitate the adaptation of these people to the Canadian labor market. In this article, we will discuss these changes briefly: Priority will be given to applicants who have a greater financial commitment from approved Canadian sponsoring institutions, including Venture Capitals, Angel Investors, and Incubators. Obtaining a three-year work visa for applicants whose case is pending at the Canadian Immigration Department.

This work permit is also granted to the applicant's family. Obtaining a three-year open work visa instead of a closed one-year work visa for applicants. This means that they are not required to work only for their business in Canada. Increasing the acceptance capacity of the program from 1000 people to 3500 people, all members of the business team will have access to work permits. In the past, only the main and vital members of the business whose presence was approved by the sponsor could get a Canadian work permit. Reviewing the cases of applicants for the startup program that was stopped will be prioritized. Immigration Canada will soon announce new changes to reduce the processing time of this program and help increase its efficiency.


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