Worldwide, Canadian immigration is one of the most sought-after today. Amongst other things, Canada offers better opportunities for career development, general employment, personal growth, and social interaction. In short, this is a country where new immigrants can find a better quality of life. And the truth is, it’s different from any other country in the west. Amirnejad Immigration Services understands that intelligent information is key to any global relocation and part of our tailored approach to educating and empowering clients to reach for their goals and achieve their dreams.

A Multi-Cultural Society That Embraces Immigrants and Various Cultures

Canada is a multicultural society with protections under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada is well known for its ‘mosaic culture wherein they let every culture live in harmony with each other. The Canadian people are very peace-loving and friendly.

A beautiful Country with High Quality of Life

Without a doubt, after just a little research you will find that Canada consistently ranks as one of the world’s best places to live and this is with great reason.  Canada is one of the safest countries in the world.

Secure and Good Standing Financial System

Canada is based on sound budgetary policy and strict rules for the housing and banking sector. Canada’s Economy thrives because of service industries, manufacturing industries and natural resources industries.

A Country with a Low Population; a Large Land Area; with a Clean and Diverse Environment

Canada has a population of over 38 million and boasts the 2nd largest land area of any nation at 9.985 million km². In Canada, you will find one of the largest supplies of fresh water on the planet and all different types of terrain: different climates and four seasons.